Bits'n Pieces
Boy Racer
Europe's Secret
Winter Project

The Spencer Family Web

Hi, these pages will contain all sorts of things or in other words 'Bits and Pieces' which have found their way onto the site. Including things like 'Boy Racer' , inspired by Colin finding a picture of my first car. Or 'Europe's Secret' from our wonderful holiday in Dubrovnik.Like the rest of the site things will be added as they crop up.....

The button 'Telegraphs' is really a link to a sub-site and is mainly of interest for people who used to work in Overseas Telegraph's back in the 60's and 70's. The pages were originally created by Jeff Clarke, we were friends and worked together at that time. Jeff is no longer with us and to prevent this site from being lost forever I have taken over hosting it here.

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