

This web site is to remember Post Office and BT services and people who provided these services from the 1950's to the 1980's


This is our chance to take a walk down memory lane and remember all of those great times we had working at Electra House, Cardinal House and many other places associated with International Telegraphs in the UK through the memories of the people who worked there

[Home] [A Tribute to Jeff] [Memory Lane] [EHRCA History] [John Reeve] [Clive Clifton] [Gary Reynolds] [Rodger Bean] [Electra House Old & New] [Control Room] [MRC] [St Botolphs] [Brent ITLMS] [Fleet Building] [International Data Centre] [TRC] [COI] [News and Views] [EH Retired Colleagues Assoc.] [Links & Contacts] [Impressum]