What can DRTTALK
do, well it will communicate with the DRT-1 via either COM1,2,3 or 4 and allows you to tune to any frequency between 10Khz and 30Mhz. You can step up or down between the amateur bands or you can step up or down in 1Mhz steps. Using the cursor keys you can step up/down in 1Khz and 100Hz steps though these can easily be changed with a key press to for example 5Khz, 9Khz or 10Khz steps and the fine tuning between 100Hz, 10Hz and 1Hz steps. The program offers a VFO plus 5 'Quick Memories' and 9 banks of main Memory Channels for storing frequencies. A full description of the program functions can be found in the pdf file which is part of the download. And yes
is free to use provided that if you pass it on then you do so together with it's pdf documentation, do not charge for it and do not modify it in any way. Of course as is usual you use the program at your own risk.
At the moment the program is a 16 bit application which means it runs on any system from DOS through Windows XP and my future plan is to recompile it as a true 32 bit application. Full instructions for installing and
using DRTTALK are included in the documentation.